This blog is dedicated to childhood and its simplicity and wonder; the importance of play, discovery, imagination, creativity, and exploration.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am passionate about my belief that childhood should be a magical experience, driven by imagination, exploration and wonder. I believe that TV, computer games and blinky toys that purport to "teach" your child their ABC's are highly overrated. Whatever happened to the simple joys of making mudpies, jumping into a perfectly raked pile of crunchy fall leaves or star gazing on a clear night? I am determined to create a wholesome and magical childhood for my lil munchkins. When they are all grown up, I want them to be able to look back on these days and feel they were not only allowed to be kids but encouraged to be so. I am a big advocate of play! I love dirt! Exploration and discovery are so important to a child. What could be better than rock hunting, nature walking, and fort building with your little ones? It is in these moments that we become kids again. Do you remember the carefree days of childhood? The lazy summer days spent running through the sprinkler and slurping popsicles? How about the crisp afternoons of fall when darkness came too soon? What about those rainy Saturdays spent building and camping out in sheet tents in the living room? Those memories, for me, are so thick I can still feel, smell and taste them. I want that for my children...I want them to relish these simple sorts of things...I want them to be blissfully unaware of the latest trends in pop culture.

1 comment:

  1. Hey's Michelle! I LOVE this post! I'm teary eyed right now because what you are saying is what every parent should want for their kids. Too many of us (including me at times) try to make/keep things too perfect or forget to laugh during the day and kids see that. Your kids are very lucky to have a Mom like you that wants them to be just kids!
